Sustainable Value
Stakeholder Communication
Stakeholder Communication
Grape King Bio conducts an analysis every year, as the pursuit of sustainable development is the goal of ours. In order to understand the ideas, needs and expectations of various stakeholders, and to establish an effective communication channel, we are also formulating references to ESG policies and related programs.
Materiality Analysis Process
We follow the GRI standards to establish a systematic approach for analysis, as we identify our material sustainability issues and develop corresponding long-term sustainability goals in a three-stage process: identification and selection, prioritization, and confirmation and review.
Collection of 20 Sustainable Development Issues in the Industry
20 Relevant sustainability issues are collected through various channels to present a complete sustainability context. These include stakeholder communication processes, international guidelines/regulations/trends (GRI Standards, SDGs), industry-specific issues (RBA, EcoVadis, SASB), sustainability investment ratings (DJSI, CDP, MSCI Sustainability Indexes, Sustainalytics, FTSE4GOOD Emerging Index), and internal organization goals.
Identification of 9 Major Groups of Stakeholders
Applying the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard, our Sustainability and ESG Committee discussed the definition of stakeholder and identified the key stakeholders of Grape King Bio in nine 9 categories, namely: shareholders/investors, customers, suppliers, employees, government, communities and neighborhoods, media, academia, and non-profit organizations. The committee also designed a survey on our official website to collect feedback and analyze the issues of concern, identify communication channels, and incorporate the stakeholders' concerns into our daily operation and annual plans for corporate social responsibility.
Issuing of 299 Surveys for Concern Level
In addition to the interaction processes with stakeholders during the daily operation processes, before the report was published, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the key stakeholders defined by the 9 categories. A total of 299 valid surveys were collected in 2023, with issues of concern of each stakeholder group analyzed to facilitate relevant communication and engagement.
10 Major Key Issues
Information disclosure must be performed with consideration for its impact on the organization's operations. We evaluated issues including organizational strategy and sustainable development, with 10 senior executives of the company filling in a questionnaire to assess and analyze the impact of each issue on the business operation, and 9 major key issues were selected for 2023.
Materiality Matrix
Communication Channels and Frequency for Stakeholders
Main Topics of Concern | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Convening of AGM | Once per year |
Investor conferences | At irregular intervals | |
Participated in conferences and face-to-face communication meetings hosted by investment institutes | At irregular intervals | |
Responded to investor and analyst questions via phone, email, and our mailbox for external communication; we also periodically collected suggestions and feedback | At irregular intervals | |
Annual publication of annual report and ESG Report (renamed Sustainability Report starting from 2021) | Once per year | |
Released important information disclosures on MOPS and published all corporate news on official website | At irregular intervals |
- Convened 1 regular shareholders meeting
- Invited to participate in 7 investor conferences
- Published quarterly financial reports for 2023 and annual report for 2022
- Released 48 Chinese and English material information disclosures
- Released 12 sets of unaudited consolidated revenue data (one for each month)
Main Topics of Concern | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Service hotline for product queries | Daily |
Service outline for outsourcing queries | Daily | |
Official website and mailbox for external communications | Daily | |
Customer satisfaction surveys | Once per year | |
Official online shop | Daily | |
Telephone interviews | Daily | |
Dedicated service hotline and point of contact | Daily |
- Dedicated customer service hotline received 16,181 product and order queries
- Official website and mailbox for external communications responded to 2,200 customers
- Online messaging system responded to approximately 19,800 customers
- Conducted 2,200 telephone interviews
Main Topics of Concern | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Procurement unit hotline | aily |
Official website and mailbox for external communications | 1-2 times per month | |
Public bidding and opinion exchange and interview meetings | Daily | |
On-site supplier audits and guidance | 2-3 times per month | |
Questionnaires, phone, fax, and email | Daily |
- Conducted on-site audits on 73 suppliers
Main Topics of Concern | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Periodic labor-management meetings | Once per quarter |
Company announcements | At irregular intervals | |
Internal website | At irregular intervals | |
Human resource unit | At irregular intervals | |
Employee suggestion box | At irregular intervals | |
Mailbox for reports and grievances | At irregular intervals | |
Publication of relevant regulations on internal company website | Updated nonperiodically |
- Hosted a total of 4 labor-management meetings
- Our mailbox for grievances received 4 complaints
- Ratio of employees undergoing annual performance audits reached 100%
- Total number of training hours for the year was 9,431 hours
- Total number of personnel who underwent training during the year was 3,938 people
Main Topics of Concern | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Community activities | At irregular intervals |
Point of contact with heads of boroughs and neighborhoods | At irregular intervals |
- Received and sent 1,812 official correspondences
Main Topics of Concern | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Community activities | At irregular intervals |
Point of contact with heads of boroughs and neighborhoods | At irregular intervals |
- Hosted 5 exchange activities
Main Topics of Concern | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Press conferences | At irregular intervals |
Themed interviews | At irregular intervals | |
Press releases | At irregular intervals | |
Public relations companies | At irregular intervals |
- Published 20 press releases
Main Topics of Concern | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Industry-academia cooperation activities and meetings | At irregular intervals |
Intern training and exchanges | Summer and winter vacations and during semesters | |
Keynote lectures and conferences | At irregular intervals |
- Collaborated with 32 domestic colleges
- A total of 65 students participated in industry-academia cooperation projects
Main Topics of Concern | Communication Channels | Communication Frequency |
Volunteer activities | At irregular intervals |
Official website | At irregular intervals | |
Official fan page | At irregular intervals | |
Dedicated service unit | At irregular intervals |
- Involved 1,243 people in social participation