Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index


Water Management

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
Total water withdrawn Thousand cubic meters (m³) 355,182
Total water consumed, Thousand cubic meters (m³) 102,430
Percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress Percentage (%) 0%
FB-PF-130a.2 Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quantity and/ or quality permits, standards, and regulations Number 0
CG-HP-140A.2 Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks Discussion and Analysis Grape King Bio places high emphasis on water quality management and commissions SGS to conduct annual external water quality sampling inspections. This year, we continued to increase recovery volumes of RO concentrate discharge to enhance water-saving rates, effectively lowering water usage volumes, wastewater discharge volumes, and environmental impacts.


Energy Management

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
FB-PF-130a.1 Total energy consumed Gigajoules (GJ) 194,777
Percentage grid electricity Percentage (%) 62.99%
Percentage renewable Percentage (%) 1.47%


Product Performance on Environment, Health, and Safety

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
CG-HP-250a.1 Revenue from products that contain REACH substances of very high concern (SVHC) Reporting currency NT$113,767,000
CG-HP-250a.2 Revenue from products that contain substances on the California DTSC Candidate Chemicals List Reporting currency Grape King Bio does not have any products which contain substances on the California DTSC Candidate Chemicals List.
CG-HP-250a.3 Revenue from products that contain substances on the California DTSC Candidate Chemicals List Discussion and Analysis The inspection center at Grape King Bio is a TAF certified laboratory and operates according to ISO/IEC 17025 standards. Our inspection items include physical and chemical properties, compliance with sanitation regulations, and food safety factors. Our inspection technicians have received TAF certification and our laboratory personnel periodically take capabilities tests conducted by laboratories with third-party certifications to ensure that our inspection center adheres to the highest standards.
CG-HP-250a.4 Revenue from products designed with green chemistry principle Reporting currency Grape King Bio does not currently use any materials that adhere to green chemistry principles.


Food Safety

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
FB-PF-250a.1 Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) audit
(1) non-conformance rate and
(2) associated corrective action rate for (a) major and (b) minor non-conformances
Rate The three production lines (capsule, powder and granule, and sterilized soft bag lines) at Pingzhen Factory are all FSSC 22000 certified in accordance with the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Food safety inspections revealed no major food safety violations in 2023.
FB-PF-250a.2 Percentage of ingredients sourced from Tier 1 supplier facilities certified to a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognized food safety certification program Percentage (%) by cost Grape King Bio had a total of 220 Tier 1 food suppliers in 2023. We conduct annual evaluations on our raw material suppliers to confirm that they have obtained international food safety certifications including HACCP, ISO22000, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001. In future, we will include other international GFSI food certification systems in our evaluations.
FB-PF-250a.3 ( 1 ) To t a l n u m b e r o f n o t i c e s o f food safety violation received
(2) percentage corrected
Number, Percentage(%) 0
FB-PF-250a.4 (1) Number of recalls issued
(2) Total amount of food product recalle
Number, Metric tons (t) 0 product recall incident occurred in 2023. For more information, please refer to "2.2.3 Product Quality and Safety Inspections 4. Product Safety Assurance."


Health & Nutrition

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
FB-PF-260a.1 Revenue from products labeled and/ or marketed to promote health and nutrition attributes Reporting currency Grape King Bio and Pro-Partner defines products with health and nutrition attributes as those with Ministry of Health and Welfare Health Food Certification. Total sales revenues for 2023 amounted to NT$657,537,000.
FB-PF-260a.2 Discussion of the process to identify and manage products and ingredients related to nutritional and health concerns among consumers Discussion and Analysis Relevant products possess manufacturing process quality control certifications and various experimental or scientific verifications, and we have also submitted applications to the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Products can only receive MOHW certification following a review by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Health Food Review Committee to confirm safety and efficacy. Consumers can check certification details on MOHW websites, or refer to the product certification information on our website.


Product Labeling & Marketing

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
FB-PF-270a.1 Percentage of advertising impressions (1) made on children 
(2) made on children promoting products that meet dietary guidelines
Percentage (%) 0%
FB-PF-270a.2 Revenue from products labeled as
(1) containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and
(2) non-GMO
Discussion and Analysis (1) In accordance with the "Regulations Governing Labeling of Packaged Foods Containing Genetically Modified Ingredients," the percentage of genetically modified ingredients in all Grape King Bio products is lower than 3% and are therefore regarded as non-genetically modified products. As a result, our income from genetically modified products was 0.
(2) In 2023, all Grape King Bio and Pro-Partner products were non-genetically modified products, and total revenues were NT$10,635,464,000.
FB-PF-270a.3 Number of incidents of non-compliance with industry or regulatory labeling and/ or marketing codes Number 3
FB-PF-270a.4 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with labeling and/or marketing practices Reporting currency NT$440,000


Packaging Lifecycle Management

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
(1)Total weight of packaging Metric tons (t) 486.69
(2)Percentage made from recycled and/or renewable Percentage (%) In 2023, 57.50% of our products used packaging made from 279.84 tons of eco-friendly materials.
(3) Percentage that is recyclable, reusable, and/or compostable Percentage (%) In 2023, 78.73% of our products used packaging made from 383.19 tons of recyclable and reusable materials.
Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging throughout its lifecycle Discussion and Analysis Relevant products within the Group:
1.All Grape King Bio products with aluminum foil packaging use 100% green paper pulp materials made from FSCTM (Forest Stewardship Council) certified wood materials, ensuring that our paper materials come from legitimate and well-managed forest sources that avoid shifting cultivation and deforestation.
2. Many Grape King Bio products have adopted recyclable plastic bottles and we work with recycling plants to maintain our spirit of sustainability.
3. We continue to actively discuss the feasibility of using recycled packaging materials with our suppliers to gradually increase the sustainability ratios of our packaging materials.


Environmental & Social Impacts of Palm Oil Supply Chain

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
CG-HP-430a.1 Amount of palm oil sourced, percentage certified through the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) supply chains as (a) Identity Preserved Metric tons (t) No Grape King Bio products use palm oil.
(b) Segregated Metric tons (t) 0
(c) Mass Balance Metric tons (t) 0
(d) Book & Claim Percentage (%) 0


Environmental & Social Impacts of Ingredient Supply Chain

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
CG-HP-430a.1 Percentage of food ingredients sourced that are certified to third-party environmental and/or social standards, and percentages by standard Percentage (%) by cost We conduct annual evaluations of our raw material suppliers and included 21 ESG evaluation items for the first time in 2021. In future, we plan to include evaluation criteria relating to third-party environmental and social certifications.
FB-PF-430a.2 Suppliers’ social and environmental responsibility audit (1) nonconformance rate and (2) associated corrective action rate for (a) major and (b) minor non-conformances Rate In 2023, we distributed ESG self-evaluation questionnaires to 78 of our key suppliers. All suppliers achieved a qualification rate of 100% on ESG evaluation items. We also distributed a survey on integrity and anti-corruption policy promotion to these 78 suppliers. Very few suppliers were unaware of our anti-corruption hotline and related measures, which we will continue to promote.


Ingredient Sourcing

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
FB-PF-440a.1 Percentage of food ingredients sourced from regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress Percentage (%) by cost According to analysis of global baseline water stress regions from the World Resources Institute, Grape King Bio uses two key ingredients sourced from high baseline water stress regions. We will continue to be attentive of supply conditions and formulate corresponding countermeasures.
FB-PF-440a.2 List of priority food ingredients and discussion of sourcing risks due to environmental and social considerations Discussion and Analysis In 2023, we distributed ESG self-evaluation questionnaires to 78 of our key suppliers. All suppliers achieved a qualification rate of 100% on ESG evaluation items.


Activity Metrics

Code Accounting Metric Unit Of Measure Value
Units of products sold, total weight of products sold Number, Metric tons (t) Total sales volumes for 2023 were 2,073,050 units. Total weight of products sold for 2023 was 2,364.09 tons.
Number of manufacturing facilities Number of factories 4 (Note)

Note: Only includes factories in Taiwan; does not include our factory in Shanghai


Investor Relations

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