Elderly Care

Since 2018, Grape King Bio has been assisting the Hondao Senior Citizen's Welfare Foundation in constructing a safety net, so that elderly will not succumb to hunger or malnutrition. The meal delivery service is provided to low-income seniors, living alone, or mobility-impaired within 11 administrative areas in Taichung City. As of the end of 2023 , 81  seniors have been provided with 11,074 meals.


Grape King Bio has also been assisting Hongdao Foundation in promoting elderly/senior sports. This collaboration fostered a social platform for baseball leagues with rules designed for seniors to participate in the ball game, encouraging them to leave their houses and exercise on the field.

11074 People
Support for disadvantaged elders
Meal support for elderly living alone

Lunar New Year Accompaniment

Grape King Bio cares about the disabled, mentally handicapped, and lonely elders. Since 2016, volunteers of the company have been visiting and caring for the elders, delivering New Year's groceries, and assisting the Huashan Social Welfare Foundation in organizing end-of-the-year dinners so that they can feel love and cared for during the Lunar New Year’s eve. As of the end of 2023 , 2,392 individuals have taken part. From 2019 onwards, the event was integrated with Zhongyuan Ghost Festival supplies, with the Huashan Foundation acting as an intermediary to provide care for the elderly living alone in the neighborhoods. In addition, meal assistance services are provided to seniors living alone in Jinling Street and Longgang District around the company’s Pingzhen and Zhongli sites.