Student Internships and Interactions

Grape King Bio sponsors field trips for various colleges and internship opportunities during vacations and semesters for students. We are not only passed down the company’s intangible assets and experiences to younger generations to assist with their career in the industry, but also allowed the company to find potential recruits with exceptional talents. To date, 15 interns have been hired as full employees after graduation.


Seed Talent Program

Seed Talent Program

Grape King Bio attaches great importance to the cultivation of talent, providing young students with the opportunity to directly participate in the industry projects thus improving the connection between education and the industry. With personal guidance from the Chairman and the senior management, Grape King Bio employees mentor students to participate in every step of the process, from proposal to implementation, thereby cultivating practical experience outside the classroom. Teams of students who participated in different seasons are given different topics with various activities, from brand planning, design and production, venue liaison, and practical implementation, each of the implementation processes is fully experienced by the students, stimulating their practical problem-solving skills.

Support for Education: Supporting Schoolchildren's Aspirations for School

Since 2007, Grape King Bio has dedicated itself to caring for local schoolchildren, with annual donations for emergency assistance given to students in elementary school and junior high school (including Long-Xing Junior High School, Ping Jhen Junior High School, Chung-Li Junior High School, Long-Gang Elementary School, Bei Shi Elementary School, Dong An Junior High school, etc.,). The company dedicates itself to assisting impoverished school children to help them receive education, without the pressure of additional external factors. We hope that our humble contribution can truly aid the students from impoverished families.

Emergency Allowances

The Grape King Scholarship

In order to encourage outstanding young students from disadvantaged families to study hard without worry, Grape King Bio has established the “Grape King Scholarship” for Junior High School students since 2014. We hoped that they will continue to further their education. In the future, Grape King Bio wants to expand and add scholarships for college and university students to assist with higher education.

55 People
Sstudents Sponsor
5274000 NTD
Society Sponsor

Sponsoring of Extracurricular Activities: Encouraging Diversified Development

The cultivation of talent is not limited to schoolwork, as Grape King Bio places equal importance on extracurricular activities, promoting the diversified development of schoolchildren and the popularity of sports and arts activities.