Corporate governance is the basis for a company’s sustainable operation. Grape King Bio has established a Corporate Governance Code, Ethical Corporate Management Code, Prevention Programme for Unethical Behavior, Ethical Conduct Guide, and Management Procedures for Reports and Complaints. We also commit ourselves to the following four major principles: strengthening the function of the Board of Directors, protecting the interest of shareholders and respecting the rights of stakeholders, implementing internal control and audit systems, and improving the transparency of information.


Corporate Governance and Transparency


Through continual examination of changes in external operating environment and improvement of internal management processes, the company achieves effective corporate management structure by establishing a comprehensive contact platform for shareholders and interested parties, strengthening internal supervision and external information communication.


  • Short-Term

    • In terms of corporate governance matters, we plan to maintain existing items and formulate methods for enhancement
  • Medium-Term

    • We refer to external ESG evaluations to enhance transparency of information disclosures relating to corporate governance.
  • Long-Term

    • Raise ratio of expert committee members to more than 50% for our Remuneration Committee, Audit Committee, and Digital Transformation Committee
    • Continue to enhance corporate governance.

Specific Results

Corporate governance team

Our Corporate Governance Manager and Corporate Governance Team are responsible for providing timely information to shareholders through the Market Observation Post System or our corporate website, keeping track of major shareholders with large shareholdings, providing directors with necessary information for business needs, organizing board and shareholder meetings according to law, handling corporate registrations and changes in registered information, compiling minutes for board and shareholder meetings, and regularly assessing CPA independence and competence.


Promoted topics themed around ethical corporate management and insider trading prevention to directors, supervisors, and all employees through training and internal circulars, including Importance of Ethical Management, Confidentiality Procedures for Material Information, Responsibilities and Case Studies Relating to Legal Violations.

Ethical Examination

Administered ethical corporate management and insider trading prevention tests to section managers and above. A total of 117 people took the test and 100% received a passing grade (80 points and above).

Policy Approved

Our Board of Directors approved the "Code of Ethical Conduct," "Insider Trading Prevention Management Regulations," "Dishonesty Prevention Program," and "Operational Procedures and Code of Conduct for Ethical Management" as part of its proactive initiative to prevent unethical conduct.


Our directors participated in courses on ethical corporate management (including courses on corporate governance and sustainable management). The total number of participants was 27 and the total training hours were 79 hours. Additionally, internal and external trainings on ethical corporate management were also held for employees (including courses on corporate governance of intellectual property rights, corporate sustainability and human rights development, Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation and health and safety inspections, sustainable ESG investments, corporate transformation in the post-epidemic era, and auditing practices and management of fraud risks). The total number of participants was 2,014 and the total training hours were 5,093 hours

Zore Complaints

We did not receive any complaints relating to ethical management in 2023.

Company Ethics and Integrity


Grape King Bio, based on the business philosophy of integrity, transparency and responsibility, formulate policies based on integrity which are approved by the board of directors, and establish a sound corporate governance and risk control mechanism to create a sustainable business environment.

Grape King Bio employees should follow the Ethical Conduct Guidelines, Regulations on Business Confidentiality, and Management on Bestowal and Receiving of Gifts, keeping all business and technical secrecy information related to the company and its clients confidentialty to protect the company’s credibility as well as maintain proper morality and public order.

To implement the ethical corporate management policy and proactively prevent unethical behavior, Grape King Bio regularly assesses the business activities within the following scope of business that possesses higher risks of unethical behavior.

Grape King Bio seeks to manage anti-corruption behaviors through rigorous internal controls, internal communication, and our Ethical Code of Conduct. We have infused business values of integrity into our corporate culture through continued promotion.

All company employees must exercise care with regards to both speech and actions to avoid any conflict between personal and company interests or potential impact. For this purpose, Grape King Bio has internally established regulations on the process of reception of gifts and Ethical Conduct Guidelines, as well as Management Procedures for Reports and Complaints. Externally, the company has strengthened its bounds on all suppliers and established diversified reports and complaints systems for external interested parties to submit reports and complaints about improper behaviors.

We have established a set of “Management Procedures for Grievance Reporting.” Stakeholders can report grievances to our dedicated mailbox or through our hotline, and we have measures in place to provide timely responses, thus ensuring protection of stakeholder interests.