Awards 2023-11-20
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Grape King Bio’s Outstanding ESG performance, two honors from the “2023 SGS Awards”!

Since its establishment back in 1969, Grape King Bio has been committed to CSR. In 2018 it transitioned from CSR into the sustainable development of ESG. Using "E-Environmental Action", "S-Social Participation" and "G-Governance Sustainability" as the three core indicators, the company operates under a Sustainable Development and ESG Committee to implement corporate sustainability. Participating for the first time in the 2023 SGS Awards, Grape King Bio underwent a rigorous written pre-selection and external expert judging, ultimately winning two major awards: "ESG Awards - Energy Management" and "ISO PLUS Awards - Occupational Safety and Health Management Exemplary ." In the future, Grape King Bio will continue its commitment to sustainable operation, contributing to a better society and protecting the environment for generations to come.