Awards 2023-05-31
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Grape King Bio’s Patented Technology “Probiotic” and “Lignosus Rhinocerus Mycelia” Win Silver Medals at 2023 Malaysia Technology Expo!

The 22nd Malaysia Technology Expo attracted 500 entries from 21 countries. Grape King Bio has been keenly observing the increase in an aging society and various viruses that have been challenging global society. Therefore, our expert R&D team have developed the unique patent “ Administration of Lactobacillus plantarum GKM3® to promote longevity” and “Use of Lignosus Rhinocerus mycelia active substance for ameliorating Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), least one of the prevention, delaying and treatment of cataracts” both of which were awarded  Silver Medals from 2023 MTE. The affirmation truly recognizes the innovation and development skills of Grape King Bio on the international stage!